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New Square Investment is a crypto wallet that provides a seamless DeFi experience.New Square Investment ensures CeFi speed and deep liquidity while offering decentralized innovative tools for earning crypto interest. To make the entry point to DeFi easier for new users, New Square Investment also offers a GameFi reward-earning system.

Our mission is to democratize access to decentralized finance. By bridging the gap between CeFi and DeFi, we bring mainstream adoption of the decentralization technology. New Square Investment is making DeFi available for not just tech enthusiasts, but regular people – to get to a wider circle of adopters, we combine the DeFi innovation, user-friendly financial tools and improved CeFi security system. We believe that acceptance of distributed digital solutions will shake up both banking and retail worlds, bringing us to the next-generation financial environment.

The Architect, the designer and creator of New Square Investment, is the name used by a pseudonymous person whose identity has not been revealed. The Architect represents decentralization and anonymity principles of the crypto world, thus being important to the New Square Investment ecosystem beyond his founder status. We believe that cryptocurrency runs best without the prying eyes of the public.

New Square Investment is run by no one, but its community, the Chosen ones. They contribute to the platform by powering up the New Square Investment Treasury.

The returns are credited to your account daily.

Crypto deposits made via New Square Investment :
- Will reflect 15 minutes post the transaction confirmation on the blockchain. BTC takes longer as it requires at least 3 block confirmations before being processed.
- The exact time for deposit can be dependent on your exchange or wallet of choice and the time they take to push the transaction to the blockchain. We have noticed that a few exchanges can take a few hours before processing deposits.

Withdraw days are Friday 2:00am GMT through Sunday 10:00pm GMT

You can choose to withdraw any portion of your available balance on New Square Investment.

10% withdrawal fee is charged on crypto withdrawals and Transfer on New Square Investment.

Unlike exchanges, withdrawals on New Square Investment involve unlocking DeFi investments across multiple chains and bringing them to you consolidated on a single chain.
- You can mostly expect these to be done in a few hours, however, it may take longer.
-unlocking DeFi investment would also mean a stop in investment yield on the given asset which would disrupt yield return and efficiency if withdrawal were 24/7

There are four main risks when investing in DeFi via Newsquare:
‍ Regulatory & Legal Risk
- Nations can decide to ban crypto or investments in DeFi

- In case your country decides to ban crypto or investments in apps like Newsquare, your funds will be safe. The funds will be returned to the wallet of your choice without any additional charge.

‍ Smart Contract Risk

- DeFi protocols use smart contracts to automate all transactions

- If a smart contract is badly written, it can be vulnerable to attacks and can lead to loss of principal.

- New Square Investment invest only in blue-chip DeFi protocols which have been audited by the gold-standard smart contract audit firms to ensure that the users’ risks are minimized.

- Apart from the smart contract audits by these firms, New Square Investment internal team also does a smart contract audit for checking vulnerabilities.

- In addition, New Square Investment deploys assets to multiple protocols across chains as to minimize smart contract exposure to any single protocol.

‍ Peg Risk
- This applies only for stablecoins and involves the stablecoins no longer holding the peg to the dollar (i.e 1 USDC is no longer ~= 1 USD).

- To minimize the risks, New Square Investment accepts and invests only in blue-chip stablecoins such as Busd USDC and USDT, which have $40B+ liquidity, and have survived multiple bull and bear markets without continued loss of peg.

Custodial Risk
- This is the risk where users' funds get lost/hacked from the custodian.New Square Investment uses BitGo (used by the largest global crypto exchanges) as its custodian. This comes along with insurance on the crypto up to $250M when the assets are in custody and not deployed

- Assets under deployment are not insured. However, New Square Investment uses Gnosis Multi-Sig and Qredo-MM Institutional setup for DeFi custody during deployment which provides decentralized multi-party computation (dMPC).

All assets deposited to New Square Investment are securely stored with our custody partner, BitGo. Additionally, all deposits in custody are protected against any incidents with a $250 million insurance policy, ensuring the safety of user funds at all times.

Deposits in New Square Investment are not insured by FDIC or any other providers. However, New Square Investment works with BitGo for custody as a result of which New Square Investment has up to $250M insurance for any problems that arise in funds that are in BitGo’s custody.

New Square Investment matrix system is build actively to ensure the least amount of risk while ensuring the best yields for the user.

New Square Investment is being actively evaluated for risks, checks for smart contract audits by leading smart contract audit firms such as Certik and rebalance portfolios for effective risk management.

New Square Investment has the leading DDoS protection, Gnosis-safe multi-signature mechanisms and follows the industry best practices to ensure the safety of the users’ funds.

NS Points are the New Square Investment platform reserve currency earned through completing special missions. One point is pegged with the US dollar 1:1, providing a stable value that cannot fall below.

In the future, NS Points will be replNew Square Investmentd with NS tokens. The token will be listed on exchanges and have its own value.

To make the Web 3.0 entry easier on inexperienced users, New Square Investment came up with a reserve currency. We know that market volatility can hit hard when you expect it the least, and for that reason offer you a simple income generation strategy.

Making gold contribution in NS point would result in a 40% discount on the payable fee .

NS Point are earned through our reward program up 10% commissions on affiliate rewards . See reward page for more info

New Square Investment Treasury represents all assets owned and controlled by the New Square Investment ecosystem. The treasury comprises holding and crypto arbitrage profits. Thanks to the New Square Investment treasury, Matrix technology analyses the data and determines the best APY rates on New Square Investment.

Updated over a week ago
1. Log in to the New Square Investment website and go to your dashboard.
2. In the Deposit section,input the deposit amount and confirm
3.Then you will see a wallet address you will need to transfer funds to.
4. Once we’ve received your transaction, funds will be available in your wallet after 3 confirms.

You begin to earn crypto interest on New Square Investment as soon as you start a rental contract. You will start earning 200% APY in 24 hours after your transfer. The daily payouts for holding are between 0.5% - 1.5% of your account balance.

We don’t gather users’ personal data as anonymity is one of the key principles of our platform. New Square Investment wants your crypto transactions to remain anonymous – the Matrix technology is decentralized, so there is no need for a proof of identity.

New Square Investment does everything it takes to ensure safety of users and their funds, but there is always room for improvement when it comes to safety.
Here are some tips on account protection you can follow:
1. Set a password according to the following rules:
· Password length must not be less than 8 characters;
· Your password must include alphabetic characters, numbers and symbols;
· It is always best to generate a password randomly;
· Try not to use the same password on different platforms.

Login to your account using your username and password and check the Withdraw section.

Minimum withdrawal amount is $50

Click forgot password link, type your e-mail and you'll receive your account information.

When you make a payment/contribution to your New Square Investment account, there will be a confirmation email sent to your registered email address and your fund will reflect on your dashboard within 24 hours. In the event that this doesn’t happen, kindly contact support.

A contract is an active rental contract on New Square Investment to get 2x your investment from New Square Investment liquidity pool

1. Login to your New Square Investment dashboard
2. Make a deposit
3. Click the rent contract section
4. Input rent amount and proceed confirm rent .

User starts seeing profit 24hours after purchasing a contract . Standard yield return is 0.5 daily .

Gold Club is a liquidity pool created by contribution from New Square Investment users. You can participate by contributing an additional 5% to the value of your active rental contracts in your account . Earn 3 times more speed in your Busd rental contract and 5% extra rewards on NS Point referral commission.

1. Login to your New Square Investment dashboard
2. Rent active contract
3. Click the upgrade section
4. Proceed to make contribution of the payable amount(5% of contract value )
Making gold contribution with NS Points will result in 40% off the payable fee

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